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SRM 189x rice cooker

SRM 189x rice cooker

Rice is one of the most important crops in the world. After wheat and rye, it is the third most important crop on Earth, feeding up to half of its population. People have been living on rice, particularly in Asia, since the 5th century B.C., and the first records of rice date back to this time. However, its nutritional value and the fact it is so easy to digest has made rice a dish on dining tables all over the world.
Lover of outdoor sports

Lover of outdoor sports

Spring is not just the time for dresses and bright colours, but also the season when we can finally start enjoying outdoor sports and activities. A time to make the most of the beauty and benefits of the countryside and lovely weather.
A smooth face is still trendy, or A Smooth Shave with SENCOR SMS 501x

A smooth face is still trendy, or A Smooth Shave with SENCOR SMS 501x

A smooth shave does not mean bucking the current trends, it’s just a different style. Can you imagine Ronaldo the footballer with three-day stubble, for instance? Of course not. For a man’s face to feel pleasant to the touch and not scratch his lady’s delicate skin, he also needs a perfect shaver. Not to mention the fact that – even though a man has a moustache, there’s always plenty of places where bristles are not wanted.
Cottage owners are delighted

Cottage owners are delighted

A look out the window shows that spring is really here (or at least we hope). Temperatures are pleasant and warmer, and nature with its blossoms is making it known that spring is upon us. For many reasons, spring is a time of joy, new enthusiasm and fresh ideas.  People who own land with a garden or patio are delighted and are thinking about what to plant, move, repair, modify and build, i.e. they are looking for ways to liven up their land, cottage or house with a garden. But as good work demands good food, Sencor offers a new electric cooker or contact grill.
SENCOR toothbrushes

SENCOR toothbrushes

People have been cleaning their teeth since time immemorial, as proven by finds dating back to 3500 years B.C. The first toothbrush made from pig bristles and bone appeared in around 700 B.C., although it was not yet known as a TOOTH brush. This term dates back to 1690, when it first used by the historian Anthony Wood. After that the name caught on. It was then just a short step to further advances. The first major mass production of toothbrushes started in England in 1780. The electric brushes we know today started to appear on the market in 1959.
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